Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement Plans
You can help your clients choose the health care option that best meets their needs and budget. For those nearing retirement age, BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee is pleased to offer Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement plans.

Training & certification
In order to offer BlueAdvantage or BlueChoice products, agents must be certified annually. An online training program is available providing agents with knowledge regarding the Medicare program, regulations surrounding marketing and enrollment of our plans, as well as detailed product information.
To learn more about the certification process, email our Medicare Broker Certification team at: or call the Support Team at (800) 351-9325(800) 351-9325 for Agent Assistance.

Being part of BlueVoice gives you an opportunity to share your thoughts about existing health care products, upcoming product and service enhancements and promotions -- or even discussing what you think about BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee (BCBST). The panel is completely voluntary, which means participants are not obligated to enroll in any BCBST product or service. You talk – we listen!